Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Restart Weigh In...

So I picked up a scale yesterday. Wasn't going to but my father is supposedly trying to lose weight as well (he seems to be under the impression that not eating as much but still eating junk and sitting on his ass is enough. Go figure) so he wanted a scale in the house. I have requested that it be hidden from me and will only weigh myself once or twice a month so I do not obsess over the numbers as I have in the past.

Today I weighed in at 217.5 lbs. I don't know what I was at when I blew the diet during the last month and a half of stress that my life became, but I know when I went to my doctor around the first of march I was around 220. Wanna say 223, but I don't remember now. Either way though I didn't gain back as much as I thought I had. Plus I am probably a little heavy right now anyway just from monthly female stuff.

So I am considering this good news. I did blow my diet and I did gain back some weight but the damage wasn't as bad as I had feared. I felt sure I was somewhere between 220 & 230 again, which was very disheartening. It's not as bad as I thought and I can move forward from here.

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