Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Goals.

In my rules I already mentioned my goals. Here I'd like to talk about some of the short and long term goals I have. I may add some over time but here's what I have thought of at this time. Also, I am not looking to accomplish these goals in any order, I'm simply using numbers to help me keep the goals straight.

1. Stand up straight, look down and not see my belly sticking out past 'the girls'. This goal has already been accomplished. It always bothered me to see that belly sticking out past my breasts. It's really rather depressing. But now when I look down, all I see is 'the girls'.

2. Have some room in my jeans for a change. This is another already accomplished goal. I have gotten really tired of most of my jeans being tight and having some that I can't wear at certain times of the month, etcetera. As of right now, I can wear every pair of jeans I own comfortably. Some have more room than others, but they all fit without me being afraid to pop a button or something.

3. Get under 200 lbs. I don't know what I weighed when I started this change. I don't own a scale and I refuse to buy one as I get too obsessive over the numbers and it disheartens me. That said, I know courtesy of a doctor's visit that I was around 230 before the holidays. I know I gained weight around the holidays so I'm guessing myself to be at approximately 240 when I started. When I have a doctor's visit where I'm at 199 lbs or less, I'll consider this goal achieved and not a moment sooner.

4. Get to my high school weight. I believe I was around 175 in high school. Still rather big but no where near as big as I am now. When I go to a doctor's and weight in at 174 or less, I'll consider this goal achieved.

5. Get to my 'recommended' weight. Depending who you ask, my recommended weight is anywhere from 110 - 140 lbs. That's a rather large range. So I'm shooting for somewhere in the middle. I figure 125 sounds healthy to me. If I find that to be too thin for whatever reason, I may adjust by 5 or 10 pounds at a later date. Time will tell.

6. Stick to my changes for 1 year. I started on February 1st, 2010. Come February 1st, 2011 I hope to still be making these changes and reaching my goals.

7. Make it through the holidays without the 10-20 lb weight gain. I would like to make it through Thanksgiving and Christmas without overindulging for 2 months straight and gaining so much weight. This past holiday season was really bad for that.

These are the goals for now. I'm sure more will come at a later date.

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